A contract address is not a repository of tokens like a typical wallet; it is essentially a computer program, a set of code, that performs some function on the blockchain. If you send any number of tokens to a contract address there is no guarantee anyone can retrieve your tokens.
In the case of WIN unfortunately, your tokens cannot be retrieved.
WIN Rewards Standard Disclaimer
Connect does not sell tokens or digital rewards. The Win blockchain, which is governed by Win node owners, self-govern the distribution of WIN digital rewards. Digital rewards are earned in exchange for work and action on the Win Blockchain. The digital reward is designed to have utility in the Connect marketplace for the purchase of Connect products and services. The digital reward is not an investment product and may never have any value outside of the Connect marketplace. Win node owners should not expect to recognize any value from the digital reward other than its utility with Connect. Connect does not anticipate correlation between the WIN digital reward value and Connect’s business activities.