Occasionally, you may find that you have a node hosted through Block Fabric that is showing as offline in your Connect and/or your brand account. In these cases, simply restarting the instance in Block Fabric will often solve the problem and put your node back online. Rarely you made need to destroy your instance.
Restarting an Instance
1. Log into https://app.blockfabric.host/login.
Each node you are hosting on Block Fabric will be displayed.
Locate the node that is reflected as offline in Connect or a brand account. It may still be listed as Active in Block Fabric. In this example we're using a Win Smart Node. This process is the same for each brand.
Please note that if you have multiple nodes of one brand reflected as offline in your Connect or brand account, you may need to complete the following steps for all nodes of that brand in order to see them all online.
Tap the three dots on the far right of the instance.
A small Actions box will pop up. Click on Restart Hosting.
You'll be prompted to enter the brand credentials for that node. Remember this means the login email and password for your corresponding brand account. Enter Connect credentials for a Win node, Switch account credentials for a Switch node, and so on.
Hit Submit.
Great! Your node is now back online. Please note that it can take up to one hour for nodes to show as online in Connect after creating a new instance or restarting an instance.
Destroying an Instance
If you no longer wish to host a node with Block Fabric, or if restarting isn't successful in putting your node back online, you may have to destroy the instance and create a new one.
To destroy, click the same three dots to the right of the affected node, and select Destroy Node.
You'll see a warning pop up. Click Destroy Node.
You will see a destroy confirmation and notice of refund if one is due.
Now you can scroll to the top of your Block Fabric account and click Add Instances to add a node back to your Block Fabric account.
Click here to learn how to set up a new instance on Block Fabric.