Your Connect wallet operates like any standard Web-3 wallet, and can hold a variety of currencies and rewards.
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Sending Native Win to an External Wallet
Receiving Funds From an External Wallet
Send funds from your Connect wallet:
1. Sign in to your account at, click My Connect and select My Wallet from the dropdown.
2. Select the currency that you would like to send. In this example, we'll send ETH.
3. Toggle to Send, enter the amount you would like to send, and paste the receiving address into the field. Click Preview Send.
4. Note the gas fee displayed in the preview screen - for any ERC-20 transfers, you'll need ETH in your account for the gas fee. Now enter your wallet passcode, also sometimes referred to as Encryption Passcode. Click Send.
Send native WIN:
Select your native WIN wallet, not WIN ERC-20 wallet. You can distinguish your native WIN wallet by the Bridge button.
Toggle to send. Paste in the receiving address of the WIN wallet that you are sending to. Enter the amount you want to send.
Note that sending native WIN does not require an ETH gas fee. It does require a WIN gas fee. The fee is displayed in the transaction preview.
Enter you wallet passcode (encryption passcode) and press send.
Receive funds from another wallet:
1. Repeat steps 1-2, and toggle to "Receive".
2. This will bring up a page that offers a few options to view and copy your receiving address:
• By selecting the small copy icon right under the token title at the top.
• By toggling the send/receive button to "Receive".
This will display the QR code you can scan with a different device. Toggling to "Receive also displays your receiving address under the QR code, with a copy icon for convenient copying.
Congrats, now you know how how to send and receive from your Connect wallet!