NOTE* - If you are new user, note that you can automatically create brand wallets when you set up your Connect account with the help of Auto Link! This article is intended for those who did not Auto Link or have already created accounts and have not yet set up brand wallets.
What is a Brand Wallet?
When you sign up for an account at, you will be asked to create a Connect wallet. This wallet serves multiple purposes: it receives the distribution of your WIN rewards when you run your node and support the network, it holds requested Connect Pay rewards, and it enables you to make purchases through Connect.
However, it's important to note that partner brand-specific rewards are not distributed to your Connect wallet. Instead, they are exclusively distributed to their respective brand wallets. To collect your daily distribution rewards for Connect partner brands, it is necessary to create a brand wallet in each of your brand accounts. For instance, if you purchase Element nodes from Connect, you must have an Element account equipped with an Element wallet to receive Element digital rewards from the decentralized Element Blockchain.
By setting up the appropriate brand wallets, you can ensure that you receive the specific rewards associated with each brand you are engaging.
Where do I go to set up my Brand Wallets?
Switch -
Galvan -
Element -
Liberty -
Lemonaide / Give -
Nerd / Hyper -
Set Power Free / Green -
Elevate -
Grow -
Rev -
R-Link -
Once you have created an account, you will be prompted to set up a brand wallet. You will NOT be able to earn rewards without a brand wallet set up.
Click the Setup Wallet button and work through the same process as you did when creating your Connect wallet. You'll set an Encryption Passcode (Wallet Password) and receive your 12-word Recovery Phrase. Again, please make sure to store your passcode and recovery phrase somewhere safe! These are essential when interacting with rewards in the future.
Will my Rewards Show up in Connect?
Once you have created an account and wallet for each brand, and linked them to your Connect account, you will be able to see your rewards reflected in the Blockbot Report.
It's important to understand, that just as with WIN rewards in Connect, most partner brand blockchain projects have a delay between rewards that have been earned "pending" and rewards that have been distributed to the brand wallet. The BlockBot Report only reflects distributed rewards.
Your partner brand rewards will not show up in your Connect wallet unless you choose to bridge and transfer them.
For instructions on linking your accounts, click here.
Note: The Blockbot Report may not display some brand digital rewards as they are undergoing updates. During these times, you can visit the unique websites dedicated to those brands in order to view the digital rewards you have earned.